Google Drive Backup

We’ve added Google Drive integration for those of you wanting additional peace-of-mind to have your document backups on your cloud drive!

Image result for drive google

Google Drive integration will backup PDF reports, attachments, agreements and invoices to your personal Google Drive account.  (There is a free plan, but beyond that limit you will be responsible for the costs.)

Set this up in Settings->Company Integrations:

When do backups happen?

The backup job will run every night at 1am.

Will this backup my past reports?

Yes. This will work through your backlog of past reports at the rate of 20 a night.

What if I make changes to a report, attachments or invoices?

This will trigger for a nightly backup.

Will this work if I’m integrated with ISN?

We will backup what lives on Spectora so this will backup the report PDFs and attachments.

When you go to that accounts Google Drive you will see a “Spectora Backups” folder that has folders for each inspection titled by address and date.

Happy Inspecting!

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