Spectora can now submit your inspections to RecallChek and Inspector Services Group, allowing easy use of the RecallChek mobile app and ISG products like SewerGard, the Termite Protection Plan, and Alarm Leads without having to enter in data twice.
Setting up the integration is easy and takes about one minute:
- Open up Settings -> (Company) -> Integrations and click “RecallChek Setup”:
- Enter in your username and password for RecallChek then “Verify Credentials”:
- If your credentials are correct, you’ll see this screen:
- Click “Enable RecallChek” and you’re done!
New Inspections
After enabling RecallChek, your “New Inspection” form will include a checkbox at the bottom to “Submit inspection data to RecallChek”, which is checked by default. You may want to disable this for certain inspection types, like mold- or radon-only for example.
RecallChek-enabled inspections will be submitted at 4AM ET the morning of the inspection, as shown in your Inspection Details:
Submission Errors
If there are errors in submitting the data (such as missing Client Name or Phone) these error will be displayed here along with the ability to resubmit:
Once submitted successfully, you’ll see confirmation in the same place (with the option to resubmit if you add additional info):
Once submitted, the inspections will be accessible in your RecallChek app: