You’ve been asking for better ways to be confident you haven’t left anything out of an inspection. Especially if you run a multi-inspector company, you want to be sure your guys don’t forget something. We’ve released some tools to help! Continue reading “Flag for Later, Desktop Progress Indicators, Mobile Upgrades and more!”
Inspector Signatures
Does your state require a signature to be on the inspection report? We’ve added the ability to do that. Here’s how:
Default Attachments
Find yourself adding the same attachments to every inspection? Life is about to get easier for you – introducing Default Attachments!
These are great for adding policies, warranties, or any other document that you include in every inspection. At Spectora we’re all about reducing repetitive tasks so you can grow your business more efficiently!
Team inspections
We’ve just released the ability to add multiple inspectors to a single inspection. This is great for multi-inspector companies that pair up on jobs or take the team approach on large buildings. Upon saving to cloud all of the inspectors’ data will merge together, allowing for faster workflows and efficient teamwork.
When scheduling a new inspection, simply select 1 or more inspectors:
Same-Day Report Builds
Reports now get built from your template the morning of an inspection. This means you’ll always have the latest template data in your reports every day! Continue reading “Same-Day Report Builds”
RecallChek / ISG Integration is here!
Spectora can now submit your inspections to RecallChek and Inspector Services Group, allowing easy use of the RecallChek mobile app and ISG products like SewerGard, the Termite Protection Plan, and Alarm Leads without having to enter in data twice.
Setting up the integration is easy and takes about one minute: Continue reading “RecallChek / ISG Integration is here!”
Multi-Inspector Setup
Here are details on several features that allow larger inspection companies to use our platform.
Whether you’re a one-person team ready to expand or you’re an established multi-inspector company that has been waiting to join, we’re excited to help you grow your business!
Agent Summary PDF
Mobile App v2: Faster Inspections
We’re excited to announce a new version of the mobile app!
We’ve revamped the internal workings to speed up performance. We also added tons of features that will speed up your inspection times!
* You must download this update from the App Store / Play Store. It is recommended that you delete the old version first.
Here are the highlights:
Show off your Spectora report
We’ve been hearing GREAT feedback from agents on Spectora reports:
“Dude… I love this. Way better and best I’ve seen so far. Big pictures like that are huge to me.”
“This is the best report layout I’ve seen.”
“I absolutely love the report and the software.”
Because your report is your product and one of your biggest selling points, we’ve made it easier for you to generate a sample report from your best inspection. Use it to promote yourself to new agents!
No more logins for clients and agents
We’re listening to your feedback!
The past week we’ve built several user-requested features that we’re rolling out to our platform today:
Login-free flow for client & agent
Spectora is now even easier to use for clients and agents! We have removed the need for buyer and agent to login. We’ve replaced the agent and buyer dashboards with the new Inspection Page, the hub for all the people, activities and documents related to an inspection.
Welcome to the tech blog! We will use it to:
- Announce new features as we release them
- Discuss our development roadmap
- Take polls on most-wanted features
- Make general company announcements
We’d love for you to be a part of the process!